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  1. WAP to accept 20 names in an array then print only those names in which first letter is uppercase vowel and the last letter is uppercase consonant(assume all the names are entered in capital
  2. WAP to accept 10 numbers in array called arr[] and print them sequentially
  3. WAP to accept 10 numbers in an array then check and print multiples of 5 present among them also count and display how many are there
  4. WAP to enter marks of n number of subjects then calculate and print their total and average
  5. WAP to accept 10 numbers in an array then calculate the total and average of the same
  6. WAP to accept names of 10 students and their age in the respective shells of 2 arrays then display the name of students and their age if their age is above 18 display the result in tabular fo
  7. WAP to accept 10 numbers in an array called M[ ] then check and print the smallest and the greatest number present among them
  8. WAP to accept 10 numbers in am array called R[ ] calculate the frequency of an input number present in the same list( use scanner class to accept values)
  9. Write a program to find the largest and smallest number in an unsorted integer array.
  10. WAP to accept a series of numbers in an array then search the first occurrence of an input number in the same. If number is not found, then display a suitable message. Use LINEAR SEARCH metho
  11. WAP by using binary search method find an element in an array (elements arranged in an ascending order)
  12. WAP to accept 10 numbers in an array in descending order then check and print the index number of an input number in the same list. If it is a found then print "it is not available"
  13. WAP to initialize following number in an array called B[ ] then arrange and display the elements of the same in ascending order by using bubble sorting
  14. Compare the triplets
  15. Spiral Matrix
  16. Sum of all the elements in an Array
  17. Find the Highest And Smallest Element in an Array
  18. Remove Duplicates from Unsorted Array
  19. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
  20. Rotate an Array
  21. Matix Addition
  22. Matrix Multiplication
  23. Transpose of the matrix
  24. Add one to a number
  25. Leaders in an array
  26. Sliding window
  27. Subsets of Integers
  28. Low or High Index
  29. Write a program to find the missing number in a given integer array.
  30. Write a program to find the duplicate number on a given integer array and display the distinct/unique array(duplicates items removed from a given array)
  31. Write a program to find all pairs of an integer array whose sum is equal to a given number.
  32. Increasing or decreasing array
  33. Sort an array of strings
  34. Product of all sub arrays
  35. Find a pair
  36. Find the only 1 non-repeating number
  37. Kth largest element in an array