- Even or Odd
- Major or Minor
- Positive or Negative Number
- Diplay a message based on input
- Print day name based on day Number
- Smallest and largest number between 2 numbers
- Smallest and largest among 3 numbers
- Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle
- Area and Perimeter of a Square
- Square and Cube of a Number
- Area and circumference of a circle
- Average of Student Marks
- Area of a triangle using Heron's formula
- Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Volume of sphere
- Convert a given number of Days to Years, Weeks & Days
- Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
- Calculate Simple Interest
- Smallest of 3 numbers
- Display Average and Grade of 5 Subject Marks
- Get the Electric Bill as per unit Consumed
- Calculate late fee Fine from Library
- Caculate Simple Interest of the Loan
- Calculate Diagonal of a rectangle
- Calculate Diagonal of a rectangle
- Caculate Simple Interest of the Loan
- Calculate late fee Fine from Library
- Get the Electric Bill as per unit Consumed
- Display Average and Grade of 5 Subject Marks
- Volume of sphere
- Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Area of a triangle using Heron's formula
- Average of Student Marks
- Major or Minor
- Even or Odd
- Calculate late fee Fine from Library
- Convert a given number of Days to Years, Weeks & Days
- Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle
- Get the Electric Bill as per unit Consumed
- Display Average and Grade of 5 Subject Marks
- Positive or Negative Number
- Square and Cube of a Number
- Caculate Simple Interest of the Loan
- Average of Student Marks