- Write a program to check that the provided string has all unique characters
- WAP to accept a word and check and print if it is palindrome word(assume the given word is not case sensitive)
- Write a program to remove any given character from a String. Display updated string.
- WAP to accept your first name convert the same thing to capital then display only the consonants present in it
- Permutations of a string
- WAP to accept an alphanumeric string then display the same after removing symbols and blankspaces
- ZigZag Pattern
- WAP to print input word in piglatin form (assume that the word is entered in capital letter)
- Write a program to print duplicate characters from a string.
- Write a program to check if two strings are anagrams of each other.
- Write a program to check if a string contains only digits.
- Write a program to count a number of vowels and consonants in a given string.
- Find Occurrences of Each Character in a String
- Write a program to find all permutations of a string.
- Remove all numeric character from String
- WAP to change UpperCase to LowerCase and Lowercase to Uppercase of all the characters in the String without using Built In methods
- Count Number of Vowels and Consonants in a given String
- String concatenation
- Is String a substring
- WAP to find the duplicate characters in a string
- Speak the Currency
- WAP to accept a letter then check and display it is a vowel and consonant
- Print Initials of Name with Surname
- WAP to accept first letter of your school house name to display the house name by using switch case statement
- WAP to accept a string convert the same to uppercase then print its letters one below another with their ASCII code
- WAP to swap First Name and Last Name of a user.
- WAP to accept a word convert the same thing to capital then display only the vowels present in it in one line
- Return a string with every third letter of every word in caps
- WAP to print input word in piglatin form (assume that the word is entered in capital letter)
- WAP to accept an alphanumeric string then display the same after removing symbols and blankspaces
- WAP to accept your first name convert the same thing to capital then display only the consonants present in it
- WAP to accept a word and check and print if it is palindrome word(assume the given word is not case sensitive)
- WAP to accept a word convert the same thing to capital then display only the vowels present in it in one line
- WAP to accept a string convert the same to uppercase then print its letters one below another with their ASCII code
- WAP to accept first letter of your school house name to display the house name by using switch case statement
- WAP to accept a letter then check and display it is a vowel and consonant
- WAP to find the duplicate characters in a string
- String concatenation
- Count Number of Vowels and Consonants in a given String
- WAP to find the duplicate characters in a string
- Return a string with every third letter of every word in caps
- Write a program to remove any given character from a String. Display updated string.
- Remove all numeric character from String
- Is String a substring
- String concatenation
- Find Occurrences of Each Character in a String
- Print Initials of Name with Surname
- WAP to swap First Name and Last Name of a user.