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  1. Write a program to check that the provided string has all unique characters
  2. WAP to accept a word and check and print if it is palindrome word(assume the given word is not case sensitive)
  3. Write a program to remove any given character from a String. Display updated string.
  4. WAP to accept your first name convert the same thing to capital then display only the consonants present in it
  5. Permutations of a string
  6. WAP to accept an alphanumeric string then display the same after removing symbols and blankspaces
  7. ZigZag Pattern
  8. WAP to print input word in piglatin form (assume that the word is entered in capital letter)
  9. Write a program to print duplicate characters from a string.
  10. Write a program to check if two strings are anagrams of each other.
  11. Write a program to check if a string contains only digits.
  12. Write a program to count a number of vowels and consonants in a given string.
  13. Find Occurrences of Each Character in a String
  14. Write a program to find all permutations of a string.
  15. Remove all numeric character from String
  16. WAP to change UpperCase to LowerCase and Lowercase to Uppercase of all the characters in the String without using Built In methods
  17. Count Number of Vowels and Consonants in a given String
  18. String concatenation
  19. Is String a substring
  20. WAP to find the duplicate characters in a string
  21. Speak the Currency
  22. WAP to accept a letter then check and display it is a vowel and consonant
  23. Print Initials of Name with Surname
  24. WAP to accept first letter of your school house name to display the house name by using switch case statement
  25. WAP to accept a string convert the same to uppercase then print its letters one below another with their ASCII code
  26. WAP to swap First Name and Last Name of a user.
  27. WAP to accept a word convert the same thing to capital then display only the vowels present in it in one line
  28. Return a string with every third letter of every word in caps