- Caculate Simple Interest of the Loan
- Calculate Diagonal of a rectangle
- WAP to display the following format
- WAP to display the following format
- WAP to display the following format
- WAP to display the following format
- WAP to display the following series
- WAP to display the following series
- WAP to display the following format
- WAP to calculate and print sum of the following series
- Right to left decreasing number pattern
- Print character pattern in a string
- Print character pattern in a string
- Print character pattern in a string
- Star Hash pyramid
- Print Floyd’s Triangle
- Pascal’s Triangle
- Full Pyramid Pattern
- Inverted Half Pyramid Pattern
- Diamond Numeric Pattern
- Right to left decreasing number pattern
- Print character pattern in a string
- Print character pattern in a string
- Print character pattern in a string
- Calculate late fee Fine from Library
- Zeros/ ones Pattern Program
- Star Hash pyramid
- Pascal’s Triangle
- Inverted Half Pyramid Pattern
- Diamond Using Star Hyphen