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Remove all occurance of Number from an Array

Suraj Ghimire
13 Posts

Given an array of N and a number n, remove all occurance of that number  from an array if number is present


Example 1:


num=4 (number to be removed)


Output: {1,2,3,5,-1} Since 4 is removed, 5 will take it place. We will fill up left over with -1


Example 2:


num =6 (number to be removed,but is not present)


Output: {1,2,3,4,5} Since element was not present, nothing will be removed.


Example 3:



num=4 (number to be removed)


Output :{1,2,3,5,-1,-1} Since both 4 are removed, 5 will go forward and then the left over place will be filled up by -1

Published By : Suraj Ghimire
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